Alex Marrero, Miami photographer and culture enthusiast is taking a trip through time at Remaking Miami: a photography exhibition featuring a collection of photographer, editor and philanthropist Josefinana Tarafa’s artwork.
Remaking Miami by Josefina Tarafa is a collection of thirty posthumous prints sourced from the photographer, editor and philanthropist’s archive of photographs. The exhibition features stunning snapshots of Miami during the 1970s. Tarafa’s photos depict everything from city hustle and bustle to easy living and everyday life in the Magic City of the ‘70s. A poignant time in Miami’s cultural history, this era encapsulates the exceptional transformation of the Magic City during this time. As someone who lived in the area at this time, Alex Marrero can’t help but to feel a sense of nostalgia at this exhibition.
Josefina Tarafa was a photographer, editor and philanthropist who worked as a documentarian. When she arrived in Miami, Florida, Tarafa found a sense of identity in her new home by photographing the architecture, people and culture of the Magic City. Her artistic vision inspired Alex Marrero, fellow local creative. As someone who shares a similar background story to Tarafa, he feels an inherent sense of connection to her, both as an artist and as a Miamian.
Josefina Tarafa’s Remaking Miami will be available for viewing from 10 AM to 3 PM, from now until December 13, 2023. The photography collection is on display at the Museum of Art and Design (MOAD) at MDC’s Eduardo J. Padron Campus, Monday through Wednesday and the second Saturday of each month.